Derbyshire Family History Society

Carsington - Churchwardens' Accounts 1860-1869

The accounts of John Oldfield Churchwarden for one year ending Easter 1860.

L s d
Jun 12th Paid at visitation 16 6
Journey with same 4
Sep 29th Clerks bill 1 10
Paid Mr Brett for wine 1
Coals as bill 1 4 4
Carriage of same 12
Tomlinson,s bill hassocks, brushes and dustpan 8 6
Total 5 15 4
Continued on next page      
L s d
Collected by Church Rate 7 14 9
Rec,d 1 yrs rent Jos Repton 1 5
In hand from last year 4 2 7
Total 13 2 4
Sundry Charges 3 2
Expenses 5 15 4
Uncollected rates from Glebe lands 7 1 ¼
Total 9 4 5 ¼
In hand April 1860 3 17 10 ¾
These accounts examined and found correct
John Heathcote John Bowler

The accounts of John Oldfield Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1861.

L s d
1860 Paid at visitation 15
Journey with same 7 6
Sep 22nd Clerk,s bill 1 10
Paid Mr Brett for wine 1
Coals 1 18 7
Carriage of same 15
Feb 16th Mr Fearn,s bill 16 3
" 27th D Harley,s bill for new windows 3 11
7 sheets parchment for new register 5 10
Total 10 19 2
Continued on next page
L s d
Collected by Church Rate 7 14 9
Rec,d 1 yrs rent Jos Repton 1 5
In hand from last year 3 17 10 ¾
Total 12 17 7 ¾
Sundry charges 3 14
Expenses 10 19 2
Uncollected rates and rent charges from Glebe lands for 2yrs 7 1 ¼
" Rent charges 14 0 ½
Total 15 14 3 ¾
Out of pocket 2 16 8
These accounts examined and found correct
John Heathcote John Bowler

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1862.

L s d
May 3rd Paid at visitation 14 2
Journey with same 4
5 coals for Church 1
Oct 1st Paid Matthew Bacon 1 10
Nov 2nd to March 5th 1862
To coals for Church 2 4 6
Carriage of same 1 1 7 ½
Paid Mr Brett for wine 1
James Twigge,s bill 10 4 ½
Total 7 5 8
Continued on next page
L s d
Collected by Church Rate 14 17 4
Rec,d 1yrs rent from Jos Repton 1 5
Total 16 2 4
Sundry charges 4 19 6
Expenses 7 5 8
Out of pocket last year 2 16 8
Total 15 1 10
In hand 1 6
These accounts examined and found correct
F H Brett John Heathcote Stephen Steeple

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1863.

1862 L s d
Jun 27th Paid at visitation 19 8
Journey with same 4
Oct 14th Paid Matthew Bacon as bill 1 10
Nov 20th 12 ½ cwt of coal at 8/- per ton 5
Carriage of same and bar 3 1 ½
Dec 13th 1 quarter of cokes 2 6
Carriage of same 1 6
" 30th 1 ½ quarters of cokes 3 9
Carriage of same 1 6


Jan 7th Paid John Morris as bill 5
Paid Mr Brett as bill for wine 1
Feb 16th Paid James Twigge as bill 2 3
Paid Mr Pickard as bill 1 9
Mar 28th 3 Quarters of cokes 7 6
Carriage of same 3
Total 5 10 6 ½
Continued on next page
To 14 ¼ of coals at 11/6 per ton 8 4
Carriage and bar 3 6
Paid Mr Webster as bill 2 8 4
" " " for fire bricks 15 3
Paid Mr Tomlinson as bill 6 4
Sundry charges 4 17
Total 14 19 3 ½
Collected by Church Rate 14 17 4
Rec,d of Joseph Repton 1 5
Balance in hand from last year 1 6
Total 17 2 10
Balance in hand 2 13 6 ½
These accounts examined and found correct.

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1864.

1863 L s d
Jan 23rd Paid at visitation 15
Journey same time 4
Paid Tomlinson as bill for Grave ?bowls 3 8
Oct 15th Paid James Twigge,s bill 1 10
Nov 4th 12 ½ cwt of coals at 9/- per ton 5 8
Carriage of same 3 1 ½
Dec 10th Paid Mr Brett for wine 1
18th 12 ½ cwt of coals 5 7 ½
Carriage of same 3 1 ½
1864 Paid Mr Brett for surplice 2
Jan 27th 23cwt of coals at 11/- per ton 12 6
Carriage of same 5 9
Mar 29th 12 ½ cwt of coals at 8/- per ton 5 7 ½
Carriage of same 3 1 ½
Paid Mr Pickard for repair of windows 1 9
Total 7 18 11 ½
Continued on next page
Sundry charges 3 13
Total 11 11 11 ½
Rec,d of Joseph Repton 1 5
Balance in hand from last years account 2 13 6 ½
Total 3 18 6 ½
Out of pocket 7 13 5
The accounts examined and found correct
F H Brett Chairman Samuel Hall John Oldfield Stephen Steeples

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1865

1864 L s d
Jun 12th Paid at visitation 16 6
Journey same time 4
" 28th Paid Post Office order and fees for ?new letter 15 5
Oct 31st Paid James Twigge as bill 1 10
Dec 1st Paid for cleaning flues in Church 5
" Mending coal rake 2
" 14th To 15 cwt of coals at 10/- per ton 7 6
Carriage and bar for same 3 9
" 24th Paid Mr Brett for wine 1


To 32 cwt of coals at 11/- per ton 17 6
Carriage and bar for same   8  
Total 6 7 10
Continued on next page
Sundry charges 4 9
Total 10 16 10
Out of pocket March 1864 7 13 5
Total 18 10 3
Collected by Church Rate 18 15
Rec,d of Joseph Repton 1 5
Rec,d of Elizabeth Batterley 1
Total 21
18 10 3
Cash in hand 2 9 9
These accounts examined and found correct and allowed
Robert Wilkinson Joseph Buxton

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1866.

1865 L s d
May 12th Paid at visitation 12 8
Journey same time 4
Oct 26th Paid James Twigge as bill 1 10
Dec 21st Paid Rev F H Brett for wine for Sacr 1
1866 Paid for new stove for Church 2
Paid for coals for use of Church 1 9 3
Carriage and bar 13 4
Mar 25th Paid Jas Twigge sen for work at Church 3 7
Total 8 18 3
Continued on next page
Sundry charges 3 13
Total 12 11 3
Balance in hand from last year 2 9 9
Collected by Rate 9 15 9
Rec,d of Joseph Repton 1 5
Rec,d of Eliz Batterley 1 15
Total 15 5 6
12 11 3
Balance in hand 2 14 3
These accounts seen and examined and found correct and allowed
F H Brett Chairman Samuel Steeples Thomas Taylor John Heathcote

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1867.

1866 L s d
Jun 15th Paid at visitation 1 1 2
Journey same time 4
Oct 17th Paid James Twigge as bill 1 10
" 31st Journey to Derby to order things for Church 5
Nov 2nd Journey to Derby to convey stove and other materials for Church 7
Nov 2nd Paid Mr Haywood as bill 2 5 6
" 3rd Paid Mr Fearn for 2 days labour and 2 labourers 11
Dec 6th Paid Rev F H Brett for wine 1
Jan 18th Paid James Twigge as bill 14 7
Paid for coals for use of Church 1 11 11
Carriage of same and bar 13 9
Total 10 3 11
Continued on next page    
Sundry charges 4 12 1 ½
Total 14 16 0 ½
Balance in hand last year 2 14 3
Collected by Rate 9 7 9 ½
Rec,d of Joseph Repton 1 5
Rec,d of Thomas Batterley 1 15
Total 15 2 0 ½
14 16 0 ½
Balance in hand 6
These accounts examined and found correct and allowed
F H Brett Chairman John Heathcote James Steeple Steven Steeples

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for one year ending Easter 1868.

1867 L s d
May 10th Paid Mr Brett for wine 1
30th Paid Mr R Wilkinson for cattle rake 1 17 6
Jun 7th Paid at visitation 15
Journey to same 4
Oct 26th Paid James Twigge as bill 1 10
" 28th 24cwts of coals at 10/- per ton 12 3
Carriage of same 6 1 ½


Jan 8th 261/2 cwt of coals at 11/- per ton 14 7
Carriage of same 6 7 ½
Mar 30th 6cwt of coals at 10/- per ton 3
Carriage of same 1 6
7 bars for stove of Church 7 2
Paid Jas Twigge as bill 2
Total 7 19 9
Continued on next page
Sundry charges 4 15 6
Total 12 15 3
Balance from last years accounts 6
Collected by Rate 9 7 9 ½
Rec,d from Joseph Repton 1 5
Rec,d of William Batterley 1 10
Total 12 8 9 ½
Balance out of pocket 6 5 ½
These accounts examined and found correct and allowed
Robert Wilkinson James Steeple Stephen Steeples

Carsington Index