Derbyshire Family History Society

Carsington - Churchwardens' Accounts 1870-1879

The accounts of John Bowler Churchwarden for two years ending Easter 1870.

1869 L s d
Paid for coals to Mr Wheatcroft as bill 2 12 1
Drawing of same 1 3 7 ½
James Twigge sen as bill 6
John Mrris bills 9 9
James Twigge jun for cleaning Church 1 10
" " " " " " 16 4
Visitation bill 1869 12 8
Journey to same 4
Visitation bill 1870 18
Pickards bills 17 4
Matthew Webster 1 yr cleaning Church 1 10
John Banks Rates for 1 yr 1 9 ½
Out of pocket 1868 6 5 ½
Total 11 8 0 ½
Continued on next page
Sundry charges brought forward 10 17
Total 22 5 0 ½
Accounts brought forward for 1870 Receipts
Two Rates collected at 2d in the pound each. Total 26 10 8
Joseph Repton 1yrs rent 1869 1 5
Total 27 15 8
John Bowler Robert Wilkinson
This balance received from ? late
Uncollected Rates Rev F H Brett 2 years 2
" " Mr Dale 1 " 14 4
" " Parish Houses 1
Total 2 15 4
Expenses 22 5 0 ½
Total expenses 25 0 4 ½
Balance 2 15 3 ½
Transcribers note. John Bowler died and was buried June 17th 1870.

The accounts of Robert Wilkinson Churchwarden for one year ending Easter 1871.

1871 L s d
Mar 28th Paid Mr Wheatcroft for coals as bill 1 3 2
" 29th Paid S Steeples for drawing same 10 3
John Banks for 1yrs rates 2 7 ½
Paid for repairs to Churchyard wall 6
New Vestry Book 6
Paid Mr Pickards bill 10
Paid Matthew Webster as bill 1 10
Total 3 17 0 ½
Continued on next page
Sundry charges brought forward 5 18
Total 9 15 0 ½
Rate collected at 2d in the pound. 13 5 4
Balance received from last years accounts 2 15 3 ½
Total 16 7 ½
Uncollected Rates
Rev F H Brett 1
3 Parish Houses 6
Railway 4
Robert Dale 14 4
Richard Seals 1 10 ½
Thomas Calder 3
Hannah Smith 3 ½
William Ford 4
John Morris     11 ½
Total 1 18 10 ½
Expenses 9 15 0 ½
Total 11 13 11
Total Income 16 0 7 ½
" Expenditure 11 13 11
Balance 4 6 8
Examined and found correct
F H Brett Chairman Stephen Steeples Joseph Buxton

The accounts of John Heathcote Churchwarden for two years ending Easter 1873.

1871 L s d
Paid visitation fees 18
Journey to same 4
Nov 7th Paid W Tomlinson as bill 1 8 3 ½
Jan 23rd Paid Harley as bill 2 17 5
Apr 6th Coals 1 ton 12 cwt 1 9 ½
Drawing of same and bar 8
Paid S Hardy as bill 1 5 4
Cement 7 6
Paid Mr Webster as bill 2
Visitation fees 18
Journey to same 4
Paid T Calder for opening drain 2
James Twigges bill 16 8
John Morris bill 4 2
Coals 1 ton ¼ cwt 1 16 1
Carriage of same and bar 9 9
Matthew Websters bill 2
Total 16 19 11 ½
Continued on next page
T Fritchleys bill 8 6
Sundry charges brought forward 11 2 9
Total 28 11 2 ½
Church Rate at 4d in the pound 22 7 7 ½
Uncollected rates, unoccupied houses 3 0 ½
Rev F H Brett (supplied wine for communion) 1 19 10 ½
R Lomas 1 13 11 ½
R Seals 3 7
Morris 1 10
Rains 1
Railway 8
Total 26 10 8
Collection and Balance 26 14 4
Out of pocket 1 16 10 ½
Examined and found correct
F H Brett Chairman Stephen Steeples

The accounts of John Heathcote Churchwarden for one year ending Easter 1874.

1873 L s d
Sep 23rd John Morris bill 6 6
" 30th John Bacon " 4 18 6
100 4 inch pipes 5
Drawing same 2
Church repairing agreement 12
Apr 23rd Matthew Bacon bill for cleaning 2
18th William Steveson bill for coals 2 8 10
Out of pocket 1873 accounts 1 16 10 ½
Total 23 17 8 ½
Continued on next page
Sundry charges brought forward 3 15 9
Total 27 13 5 ½
Amount of Rate at 4 ½ in the pound 25 10 5 ½
Uncollected Rates Rev F H Brett 2 4 10 ½
Railway 9
Robert Lomas 1 15 8 ½
Richard Seals 4 0 ½
John Banks 6 ½
Void Houses   5 1 ½
Total 30 1 6
Easter 1874 out of pocket 2 3
Examined and found correct
Rev F H Brett Chairman June 11th 1874
William Steveson Stephen Steeples

The accounts of John Heathcote Churchwarden for one year ending Easter 1875.

1874 L s d
Jun 1st M Webster bill for cleaning Church etc 2
Wheatcroft Nathaniel coal bill 1 6 7
Steveson ? coal bill 1 15 8
Out of pocket 1874 A/C 2 3
Sundry charges brought forward 16 11
Cash in hand carried forward 3 1
Total 8 5 3
Continued on next page
Amount of Rate at 1 ½ d collected 8 5 3
Examined and found
April 6/77.

The accounts of Henry Taylor Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1876.

1875 L s d
Visitation fee due Easter 1875 1 7 9
Jul 24th Brushes for cleaning Church as bill 4 3
Dec 29th Wheatcroft for coal as bill 13 9
Mar 11th Barton F for coal as bill 13 9 ½
" " Pickard Mr Wirkdworth as bill 1 7 3
" " Webster Matthew as bill for cleaning Church 2
Sundry charges brought forward 16 8 ½
Balance in hand carried forward 2 14 7
Total 9 18 1
Continued on next page
1875 Cash in hand brought forward 3 1
1876 Amount of Rate collected at 1 ½ d in the pound 8 5 3
Lomas Mr Rec,d on acct of Church Rate 1
Procuration fees returned by the Rev F H Brett for Easter 1875 9 9
Total 9 18 1
Examined and found correct April 6th 1877

The accounts of Henry Taylor Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1877.

1876 L s d
Nov 18th Wheatcroft N for coal as bill 8 2
" " Bestwick J for drawing same 3 2
Visitation due Easter 1876 1 7 9
1877 Sundry charges brought forward 1 13 2
Jan 10th Watson T repairs of Bell as bill 4 ?
" 16th Webster S staining Church door as bill 4 ?
" 18th Whearcroft for coals as bill 7 11
" " Bestwick for drawing same 3 8
" " Webster Jun Wirksworth for work at Church as bill 3 3 7 ½
Webster Sen 1 yrs cleaning Church as bill 2
Stevenson for coal as bill 3 9
Balance in hand carried forward 1 11 1
Total 11 9 7
Transcribers note. The pence column is not fully visible on this and some subsequent
frames so this may account for some pence columns not adding up correctly.
Continued on next page
1876 Cash in hand brought forward 2 14 7
1877 Procuration fees returned by Rev F H Brett for Easter 1876 9 9
Rate to be collected at 11/2 in the pound 8 5 3
Examined and found correct
F H Brett Chairman April 6th 1877
Stephen Steeples William Stevenson

The accounts of Henry Taylor Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1878.

L s d
Apr 20th Visitation fees at Ashbourne 1 7 9
Journey for same 4
Jul 27th Howell & Marsden for goods for Church cleaning as bill 8 6
" " Deakin Mr Wirksworth for cleaning out Church flues 6
Jan 16th Watson T Blacksmith as bill 2 6
Feb 25th Bestwick John carting coal as bill 15 9
Apr 26th Wheatcroft N Cromford coal as bill 1 6 2
" " Hopton Wood co coal as bill 1 7 4
" " Bacon Ann Church cleaning as bill end in Easter 1878 2
" " Twigge L Joiner as bill 2 11 11
" " Fritchley J plumber as bill 1 12
Sundry charges brought forward 19 5
Total carried over 13 1 5
Continued on next page
1877 Balance in hand carried forward 1 11 1
Rate collected at 2d in the pound 12 5 6
Total 13 16 7
Continued on next page
1878 Brought over 13 1 4
Cash in hand carried forward 15 3
Total 13 16 7
Continued on next page
1878 Brought over 13 16 7
13 16 7

The accounts of Henry Taylor Churchwarden for the year ending Easter 1879.

1879 L s d
Apr 22nd Bacon Ann for cleaning Church 2
Pickard J Wirksworth as bill 1 2 0 ½
Stevenson J coal to Church 17 6
Mar Paid Wheatcroft & Son for coals 2 2
Sundry charges brought forward 1 13 7 ½
Balance in hand carried forward 1 17 10
Total 9 13
Continued on next page
1879 Cash in hand brought forward 15 3
Plate collection July 21st 1879 8 17
Total 9 13  

Carsington Index