List of Data Available -
Baptisms Data
The public search results for parish record data for baptisms include surname, forenames, year and place. On click-through (PAYG/subscription members only) the fuller summary may include information about the parents and occupation, the date of the baptism and the child's date of birth, plus any special annotations.
Please note that not all records are comprehensive and we do not guarantee that all of the above information will be available or complete for any given record.
Burials Data
The public search results for parish record data for burials include surname, forenames, year and place. On click-through (PAYG/subscription members only) the fuller summary may include the date of burial, date of death, age, and place of abode, plus any special annotations.
Please note that not all records are comprehensive and we do not guarantee that all of the above information will be available or complete for any given record.
Cemetery Data
The data shown in the public search results include surname, forename, age, and year of death. Click-through access (PAYG/subscription members only) may include information about occupation, place of abode, date of burial, and grave number, plus any special comments.
Please note that not all records are comprehensive and we do not guarantee that all of the above information will be available or complete for any given record.
Probate Data
The index of Derbyshire probates from 1901 to 1935 is available to PAYG/subscription members only, It lists the testator, date of death, address, place of death if different to usual address and the date and place of probate.
Wills Data
The Wills data is only available to members. It can retrieve data by searching for someone who made a Will, or someone who was mentioned in one.
Members' Downloads Area
This area contains a wide variety of documents, mostly records and lists, ranging from 17th century lists of land grants to lists of prisoners in the early 19th century. There are around 100 documents in all, and you can buy access to any that are of interest to you.