Renew / Re-join
Please enter your login details:-
If you would like to receive your magazines by email in future, please choose 'Magazine format - Digital' on your Personal Settings Page. It's better for the environment and also saves the Society postage!
If you are unable to log in (that is, you have forgotten your password and the 'Lost password' facility doesn't work for you because DFHS no longer has your correct email address)...
...please DO NOT join again as a new member, but email so your records can be updated... and then you will be able to renew in the normal way.
...or if you want to pay now and get it done with, please go to the General Payments Page, tick the non-member box and fill out the form there, stating that you are renewing, giving your membership number, and paying the right amount. We will update your records in due course. Thank you!